Project Spotlight: Airport High School in Columbia, SC

On a recent visit to Charlotte, North Carolina members of the GearGrid team took the opportunity to visit an athletic locker and equipment storage room project at Airport High School in Columbia, South Carolina. The project was focused on providing bulk equipment storage solutions for two rooms in their new athletic facility. The school decided on a two-tone powder coat finish to match their school colors and is a great …

More Than Just Turnout Gear Lockers: One Fire Department’s Quest for the Perfect Storage Solution

Fire Departments are constantly faced with the important decision of how to properly store and protect their turnout gear. For one Minnesota Fire Department, they were ready to find something different to match their department’s transformation. The Eagan Fire Department has historically been an all-volunteer department with a total of six stations and an authorized strength of 150 paid-on-call firefighters. However, like many fire departments, Eagans has struggled to maintain …

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