GearGrid To Attend the 2023 Heart of America Annual Athletic Director Meeting

GearGrid is excited to attend the 2023 Heart of America Athletic Director Meeting on Thursday, September 21st at Graceland University in Lamoni, IA. This will be GearGrid’s first time attending the meeting, and theyre looking forward to the opportunity to connect with athletic directors in the Heart of America conference. GearGrids Athletic Sales Representative, Jack Jahnke, is excited to attend this years meeting and says, This meeting is a great …

A Winning Team: Stoughton High School Partners with GearGrid for Locker Room Upgrade

Stoughton High School Locker Room Upgrade

Creating a functional and high-quality storage space is crucial for any school’s locker room, especially when it comes to catering to the storage needs of student-athletes. GearGrid Athletic Lockers offer innovative solutions that prioritize the safety of students’ belongings. Mel Dow, the Athletic Director at Stoughton High School, recently shared his experience partnering with GearGrid and the remarkable improvements they brought to their locker rooms. When Stoughton High School first …

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