The Eden Prairie Fire Department utilizes GearGrid to store and protect their PPE and gear. Their department used the Miami System to store and transport their cylinders and storage bags. They used our Slinger Workstation to store and easily have access to their tools. In addition, they used GearGrid’s Standard Wall Mount Lockers and GearGrid’s Mobile & Free Standing Lockers to create more space in their department. Standard Mobile Lockers are placed in the middle and the parameter of the room to maximize storage space. Each locker includes a stainless-steel hang bar, hanger, and helmet holder for PPE storage and organization. The Eden Prairire Fire Department used our innovative Broom Center where they can use wall which makes organization easy and customizable, and will help to make your brooms last longer. Lastly, they used our Vehicle Detail Center to keep all theirwash, maintenance and cleaning materials in one convenient location.